Saturday, September 03, 2022

10 Reasons Why I'm Moving to Belize - #3 COST OF LIVING

 Here's a short video on the cost of living in Belize.

As you can see, one can live comfortably in Belize on about half as much as you'd need in America. Housing, food and other necessities are much less in the Central American country. There are more pricey coastal areas, but upon researching several such videos, most agreed that Placencia offers beach life at a lower price. That sealed the deal for me!

CURRENCY EXCHANGE RATE: Currently 2-to-1 Belizean dollars to USD! 

I won't need a boatload of cash to move to Belize and live on the coast. I can find affordable housing, and if I eat locally, which I explained in #6 - FOOD, I can eat on the cheap, as well. Oh yeah, and in my food blog I FORGOT TO MENTION CHOCOLATE! Nothing compares to Central American cacao! That's why it was so central in Mayan culture. And I like it extra dark!

Since 2006, and even more earnestly in 2012, I began downsizing my accumulation of things. I learned how much less I could live on and began looking at minimalism, minimalistic living and tiny houses. I went extreme in 2018-2021 and realized even how much less I needed to SURVIVE! It was an eye-opening experience. So part of moving to a third-world country is my search for a simpler life. I just want to make enough money to support a minimalistic way of life. Even if I never build the tiny house boat I've dreamed about, I could invest in land cheaply there! Belize is looking more and more like a long-term solution to me.

Here's another video from a group who planned a 5-day trip and ended up staying more than a MONTH! Now, they were living LARGE, but you don't need the most expensive beach home on the coast or that many paid-for activities to make a life there. Still, this video couldn't have been better produced by the Belize Tourism Board.


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