Saturday, December 24, 2022

Mindful Post

Woke up from a vivid dream near 5 a.m. where I was helping others, being a connector and living my best life. It felt really good. It got me reflecting, being spiritual/philosophical, and as I often do after I journal about it, I write a blog post. This is that...

This is still true about my "sphere of control." It's why I still journal daily and try to self-affirm when I can, when I'm being mindful enough (i.e. present). I do have moments of enlightenment when I'm truly self-affirming and positive, like here. I wrote again in 2019 about "The Illusion of Control." But I awoke this morning with another "moment of enlightenment," after a dream where I was living my best life, serving others and being a connector. It led me to consider the Law of Attraction and how there has been evidence in my own life. I may not control what happens to me or the outcomes of my action (or how my love is received), but I can make a conscious effort to put the love, the good, out there. I do believe it makes a difference. It may not always loop back to me (the Karmic effect) immediately, but I do believe in radiating/vibrating/resonating at that higher frequency of being.

I wrote in Feb 2017, "Who I Am," but I was still learning and evolving. This is a process, by the way, that never ends. We are constantly evolving...well some of us, anyway. I call it the "I AM energy," my god-likeness, not in a conceited, "I AM GOD" kind of way...that's just where I came from. Call it Source, if you like. And if that is the beginning of me (and consciousness) then it has never stopped. I've only become more aware of it. In my Christian days, it seemed blasphemous to claim "I AM," like YHWH of the Old Testament (and Judaism). But it's no different than labeling yourself, "Christ like." I'm just claiming the source of my existence. I AM the product of I AM energy, of Source, if you will. That same energy propels us through the cosmos. I'm not claiming to be "god," I just have that as the source to my deep well of being. I AM because I have always been--one with consciousness/Source/God/The Universe. We are one, as Jesus claimed in The Bible. I didn't realize all this back in 2017. I began understanding a little more in 2020, as I blogged here in August that year, while at Dad's.

This last year has been another tough one. I am unsettled. I have no home, per se. I am a child of the Universe, a wanderer, a doer of good. I'm not sure what the future holds, but I'm still envisioning life on the Gulf coast, most likely Fort Myers Beach.

But I can't spend too much time looking forward. Life still requires my presence.

I guess I just woke up this morning being a little more mindful and introspective after a vivid dream I had. My girls are spending this holiday season in Italy. Currently, they are in Venice where they will celebrate Christmas.

I'm not much into the holidays anymore and I'm not in a celebratory mood. Today being Christmas Eve is really just another day. But I did wake up feeling more hopeful, more peaceful, more at one with myself (and my "I AM energy"). For now, that'll do. :) Namaste.

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