Friday, October 07, 2022

My post-Ian, anti-American Rant


I don't wax political too often on this blog. But here we go...

I have NEVER been a big Joe Biden fan! I voted for him, yes, just to get the Orange Twatwaffle out of office, who I don't even recognize as the "Former President" (FPOTUS). I believe he's an orangey stain on the history of the Oval from which we may never recover. That's why I refer to those four dark years (2016-20) as "45." Just like Colbert, I won't utter the name, T***P. Fuck that guy for what he did to this country!!! Grifter and shyster extraordinaire, lined his and his family's pocket while squatting (or attempting to in Jan 2021) in OUR White House! Enough on him...

Not a fan of Biden, or any old white men who've made a career living off the federal taxpayer's dime. We've had enough of his ilk (also grifters). He was the lesser of two evils in November 2020.


He's done some good things since taking office. Yesterday, the country got one step closer to decriminalizing (and hopefully LEGALIZING) marijuana, a harmless herb. But I guess against the backdrop of 45, ANYONE WHO ACTS LIKE AN ADULT IN THE OVAL OFFICE would look QUITE presidential!

#DankBrandon he's being called. Cute.

He's fighting for reproductive rights. He's fighting on the right side of climate change. He's implementing his policies and they seem to be having a net positive effect on Americans. Sure, poverty and inflation are out of control. The wealthiest one-percent still have Americans by the balls. Our two party system has, by and large, failed us. But I can give Biden credit where credit is due.

Look at the #HurricaneIan recovery. It's been swift and bipartisan (though ALL GQP Congress Members voted AGAINST relief funding). He's worked with #DeathSantis to get the job done and look how far they've come in one week since landfall!

The guy is old. I don't want to see him run for a second term.

I don't want Bernie to run, same reason.

Old, white men are the reason we've gotten to where we are. Just ask Gen Z. They'll tell you. "FUCK THE PATRIARCHY!" and by that, they mean people like Biden, McConnell, etc... It's hard to argue. Our country is on the precipice of Civil War (sorta).

It's a war of ideas--Progressives v. Conservatives.

Why are so many hellbent on taking us BACKWARDS? Because an ancient relic, called The Bible, dictates morality and how we should legislate it??? I've got a bridge to Sanibel Island I'd like to sell you, along with some snake oil...

The answer isn't in either party. Most Democrats aren't progressive enough and they ALL serve the same master--GREED! Power and greed are the base of American politics. Neither party serves the common American. They all bow down to corporations, feasting at the capitalist tit! WE PAY FOR IT!

I'm seriously done with it. I'm about done with being an American. My ancestors came here GOD KNOWS WHEN. The Doyle lineage gets pretty sketchy somewhere about the turn of the 19th century in Western PA.

But this country still REEKS of Colonialism. We still shed a tear when the Queen of England dies. We still hold onto the ideal of Manifest Destiny. Just look at us! We're white. The world OWES US!


That's why I'm seriously considering upping my move to Central America. I was going to spend part of the next decade in SWFL...Fort Myers Beach to be exact. Mother Nature just put the BIGGEST KINK in that plan...

Belize, you ready for this expat?

In the meantime, you'll find me on Twitter railing against capitalism, fascism, MAGAts and all things wrong with Colonial America...just to MAYBE get a few people to wake up.

Yep, I'm just about done with this country. Thanks for listening.

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