Tuesday, June 02, 2020

The President v The Constitution

The White House from Lafayette Park. The White House behind a ...

The last time Lafayette Park was surrounded by fences, it was undergoing renovations. The 8-foot fences that surround it today, a mere 15 hours after peaceful protestors were violently removed by our military, are QUITE SYMBOLIC.

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Last night, around 6:30, while our President was beating his bully pulpit (with tiny hands), he had given the green light for militarized Secret Service and Military Police to clear Lafayette Park using force, authorizing the same police brutality these American citizens were there to speak out against. There's that portion of the First Amendment which allows for our citizens "to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

But this raging lunatic has absolutely NO REGARD for the rule of law OR the rights afforded to his constituents by the United States Constitution. While Captain Bonespurs was beating his chest about an antiquated 1807 act giving him, basically, the power to declare war in America ON AMERICANS, he was stomping all over our rights, our constitution!

And after all his grandstanding and bluster, in a prepared speech read from teleprompters, he made a huge show of walking out the White House gates, through that park and over to a boarded up church. The sacred ground, known as the nation's "protest park," was sullied by feet that had just minutes before trampled the Constitution, so he could stage a photo op with a Bible in his hand and a boarded up church in the background. He made his stupid point. We get it. You're President Palpatine. You believe you have unlimited power. And you're such a good Christian. You really know how to pander to your base, like the snake oil salesman and con artist you are.

Palpatine then walked back to OUR White House, presumably back to the safety of his basement bunker, then called for the erection of fences around OUR protest park. If that doesn't just symbolize this whole situation in one stark image, I don't know what does.

The black, 8-foot, chain-link fence might as well be bars erected across American rights and the Constitution which protects them.

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As a nation, I believe about 70-80% of us, watched in horror as the President derided cities and states for not taking the current situation seriously enough, for not "dominating" it's citizenry. We watched with equal horror as his gestapo cleared the sacred grounds of Lafayette Park--a memorial to the American Revolution--of it's peaceful protestors. And that split screen image on our electronic devices--one side the police riot against Americans; on the other, the Liar-In-Chief saying, "I'm an ally to ALL peaceful protestors." We see your hypocrisy, Mr. Drumpf. We see the huge overreach and power grab for what it is. You're great at bluster and chest-beating. You're HORRIBLE as a leader, as a unifier of these United States. You WILL be kicked out of OUR white house in January!

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