Sunday, May 10, 2020

Real Outrage v Faux Outrage in White v Black America

"ALL LIVES MATTER" remember?
But do they?

This kid's life didn't seem to matter.

For the last month, we've seen mostly white protestors, some armed with AK-47's, up in arms over "stay-at-home" orders in states like Michigan and Pennsylvania, even right there in my hometown, Indianapolis, where this kid was gunned down. Why were these white protestors so riled, so triggered, so full of angst and anger? Because Karen couldn't get her nails done, her haircut or go out for GNO. White people were filled with rage--said Karens getting nose-to-nose with cops in one video spraying vitriol in their stoic faces (SAY IT DON'T SPRAY IT, KAREN!).We're NOT all in this together: Reckless protest flaunts ... They carried signs equating a month-long lockdown with 400 years of institutionalized slavery. They waved anti-American flags and symbols, like at a KKK or Hitler rally. They openly carried semi-automatic weapons, some into statehouses (I'm looking at you Lansing, MI).

The images that filled my newsfeed and that of cable news for weeks was of white privilege flexing it's collective muscle to get our economy "reopened." Oh the faux outrage!

Despite the show of force, Vanilla Isis or Flu Flux Flan (take your pick) wasn't met with any police force WHATSOEVER! Hell, in some photos and video, you couldn't pick out a uniformed officer. The ones who did get spit on by raging Karen just stood there, no expression, no reaction of any kind. White protestors didn't get sprayed with hoses, shot with rubber bullets, teargassed, attacked by K-9 units or anything even resembling force. Nope. There was none of that.

When white people used their cars to form a blockade in downtown Lansing, preventing ambulances from safely getting to emergency rooms, there was no armada of police vehicles or charges of "obstructing traffic."

America, this is a perfect portrait of what white privilege looks like. Still don't think it exists?

White people, by and large, lost their collective SHIT when some black athletes started a silent protest during the playing of the National Anthem. They knelt. You went berserk.

Now, protestors in Indianapolis, with something to TRULY get angry and worked up about, protest in small numbers their outrage over police violence claiming one of their own...and they get charged with "obstruction of traffic?" Did you see how many of them were standing on a street corner with signs, not guns? I sure didn't see any blockade of vehicles, fat Karen straining to lean out her window and yell insane slogans. This was real outrage.

Police violence against people of color is systemic racism.

We see it play out ALL THE FUCKING TIME!!! Yet, where's the outrage by whites? When a kid in Indy is gunned down, when a man in NY is taken down to the pavement and beaten, when a jogger in Georgia is stalked like prey, confronted and gunned down--IN THE STREET ON FUCKING VIDEO--where is all the outrage, White America???

You know what, you disgust me! Karen's of the world, in a lather because you can't leave the comfort of your own home, you fucking disgust me. You wouldn't spit on a black man if he were on fire in your front yard! You get all hot and bothered if he or his family hold up signs saying "Black Lives Poll: 57 percent have negative view of Black Lives Matter movement ...Matter," or GOD FORBID, he KNEEL during your beloved Anthem! That's when you get enraged. Saying nothing of your faux patriotism, holding up the confederate flag or one with a swastika, but you don't really believe that "ALL lives matter" you just want to silence and marginalize the black ones. It's what you've ALWAYS done!

It's time for white America to wake up and smell the coffee. It's time to own up to your centuries of privilege and acknowledge how you've perpetuated systemic racism!

I can't even type anymore. There's a gnawing sickness in the pit of my gut.

1 comment:

Anisa said...

fuck yeah, tight work! thank you, keep it up! #defundthepolice #blacklivesmatter #ftp