Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Waxing Political…Part Two

He replied: “Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The time is near.’ Do not follow them. Luke 21:8 (red letters)

But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ. 2 Cor. 11:3 (a follow-up to 1 Cor. 6:9 which warns that “wrongdoers” will never inherit God’s kingdom)

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Gal. 6:7

Revelation gives multiple warnings to the faithful not to be deceived by “the beast,” the devil” or others. Too many American Christians have not heeded the warnings, have not discerned or rightly judged the fruit. DJT’s fruit has borne consequences. He is reaping EXACTLY that which he’s sown. DO NOT BE DECEIVED. But church people are not always the brightest bulbs in the bunch or the sharpest tools in the shed, which makes them easy marks for sleazy, slimy business men (snake oil salesmen) like DJT…or the antichrist.

Look at the MAGA(t) minions. These “master race” bigots run around in their “Trump is my savior” T-shirts, draped in Trump flags, stumped by softball questions given by local reporters, that befuddled look in their eyes. They could no more clarify their position on GOP talking points than the man on the moon. They simply regurgitate talking points from the propaganda machine, Fox News, Q’anon message boards or talk in the church fellowship hall. Ignorant and uninformed sheeple who drink the orange koolaid and wouldn’t care if their cult leader were serving time for murder on death row. It wouldn’t disqualify him. They’d rally behind him, send him their money and buy his Bibles.

It’s nuts. And they would have you believe that they are “the silent majority” about to sweep the polls in November. If that WERE the case, why hasn’t DJT ever won in a landslide? Why has he never even garnered a majority of the popular vote??? WHY, pray tell, did he need to manufacture votes or otherwise interfere in the electoral process?

The GOP is splintered.

Republicans do NOT speak with one voice. There are plenty of NEVER TRUMPers inside their party. Look at The Lincoln Project who has made it their sole aim to KEEP HIM FROM OFFICE! More recently, Republicans For The Rule of Law also do not support DJT. Their latest video, “Goodbye, and Good Riddance,” shows his face with #ConvictTrump over the top. The website of Republican Accountability bears the headline, “We’re reminding Americans that we still need accountability for January 6th.”

MAGA(t)s do NOT represent the whole of the party, though listening to the leaders on Capitol Hill you’d never know it. Those dirtbags are so addicted to power and so desperately want to hold onto it, they see no other way than to cast their lot with the minions. GOOD LUCK WITH THAT!

Don’t fall for their smoke-and-mirrors, snake oil sales pitch, Fox (Faux) News talking points. They are killing the Grand Ol’ Party, the Party of Lincoln.

DJT is closer to the antichrist than THE CHRIST!
Do not be deceived.

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