Saturday, August 03, 2024

Breaking Point?

Is American Democracy at a breaking point? I think it is. Watch this Mother Jones video to see why.

My daughters have told me for years that it’s mine and their Papaw’s generations fault for propping up the patriarchy. I cannot argue their point. We just mindlessly go along with the system that we know is horribly broken and corrupt!

I’ve felt for years that the Electoral College is skewed in favor of red, less populated areas of Rural America. The Senate, meant to level the playing field between states, gives a vastly disproportionate advantage to rural red states, like Wyoming, the least populated state in the Union. So that when the Senate votes, to say nominate a Supreme Court Justice, two votes representing just over half a million voters (580k) carries the exact same weight as two votes from California’s Senators who represent almost 40 MILLION! California has nearly the population of some countries (39.03 mil) yet in the highest legislative body shares an imbalance of power with Wyoming at 1.5% the size.

So basically a very smal minority of our citizens are actually represented in the Senate and by our Supreme Court. Shows you how the MAGA cult took over and reversed a woman’s right to bodily autonomy. If American women don’t control their own bodies, what control DO they have??

And to the point of this video, if the founding fathers who rigged the system this way, many of them slaveowners who believed black men were only 3/5 a person, HOW could they possibly write the preamble to the Declaration of Independence?

The same author featured in the Mother Jones video, above, also appeared in a Democracy NOW! video three months ago. The host of that video said the attack by the right-wing minority “violates one person, one vote,” further bolstering the populous view, especially among millennials, that our votes don’t matter, they don’t count. Author Ari Berman lays out a compelling case. Watch the above video or the one I just linked to for more.

To put an exclamation point on this post, I turn to the ladies of I’ve Had It Podcast. They point out how President Obama was ready to place Merrick Garland on the Supreme Court. Obama who won the Electoral vote AND the popular vote TWICE in 2008 and 2012, yet he was BLOCKED by Republican Mitch McConnell and Trump’s cronies in the Senate. WHY? So they could stonewall a moderate pick for a radical like Neal Gorsuch, who Trump then appointed. Trump who didn’t win the popular vote EVER!

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