Sunday, July 14, 2024


You know I’d have something to say…

LET ME PREFACE…You knew violence was coming. You’ve been fanning the flames since BEFORE Jan 6…and when that didn’t ignite the next Civil War, as you were hoping, you just ramped up the rhetoric and turned your platform over to Christian Nationalists because you thought they’d secure enough votes from Middle America.

Oh, you thought I was gonna denounce violence???

Violence is what got us here 248 years ago! We just celebrated that bloody revolution on July 4th.

Violence eventually ended the slave trade.

Every country who experienced a change to democracy had to do so through violent takeover of the status quo—France, for example. We are headed down the same, exact road in 2024 thanks to the current oligarchy and patriarchy. Look at our choices this November—two aging, privileged white men.

NOW we arrive to the point of this post. You think you are disgruntled and disenfranchised with our government and the status quo. Let me tell you how my daughters and most of their generation feel. They have HAD ENOUGH WITH THE PATRIARCHY and wrinkly, curmudgeony OLD MEN looking at them, judging them and stripping away their rights. They have ZERO empathy with the status quo as it predates them (and us) by EONS. The establishment, with its systemic racism and sexism, has been in power FOREVER and they ain’t having it. My daughters blame me and the generations of men before me. I can’t say that I blame them.

Where is the representative government they were taught in civics class? Where are the young women—black, white, brown, ANY COLOR—in Congress, the statehouse, town hall??? In more than 100 years of suffrage, we still don’t have an Equal Rights Amendment OR any semblance of equality!

It’s not a lot better for young men. We’ve pampered and sheltered boys who don’t want to ween from the teet nor the game controller. We’ve raised a generation of unsocialized savages who take out their angst on virtual enemies and have no real grasp on reality.

WATCH and see what comes out about the young gunman who shot at DJT. I’d stake my life on the fact he fits the stereotypical profile of the bullied, anxious boy-man who shoots up schools.


Even those kids are so disgruntled and disenfranchised that they’d take violence to their own candidate and try to take them out. ARE YOU LISTENING RNC & DNC? As you head to meaningless conventions that only matter on Wall Street and not Main Street?


As I wrote earlier this month, not even the GOP is united behind their cult leader, I mean, candidate. And all we’ve heard for DAYS from the left is that Biden needs to step aside.

The country wants change. It probably won’t happen in the most civil of ways. Yesterday was a warning shot from a disgruntled and disenfranchised young man. He’s not alone…on either side of the aisle…or gender spectrum.

PATRIARCHY, are you listening???

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